
How To Clean Moissanite Ring?

Dec 30, 2024

Do you believe in your gut feelings or do you go for what others say is right? It depends on your choice when you want to clean your moissanite ring. Visit Pompeii to get your moissanite ring.

You don’t have to fix a specific cleaning duration. Whenever you feel your ring is dirty and becoming dull, you can clean it. But the question is how to clean moissanite ring?

Is it safe and easy or do you require professional help? You need to know these things to durably wear your moissanite ring. Diamond lovers nowadays wear stylish moissanite rings.

An Easy Way To Understand How To Clean Moissanite Ring?

The following are the steps to learn how to clean moissanite ring like a pro.

Ring Soaking In A Special Mixture

Do you know you can simply clean your moissanite ring with warm water and a soapy liquid mixture? Why? Because the moissanite diamond is a hard gemstone, you can easily rub off the visible and even the invisible dirt. You have to soak the moissanite ring in this mixture for five to ten minutes according to your preferences. This is a great way to loosen up all the stubborn grime and residue in the ring.

Gently Scrub Off The Ring

Use a spare yet soft-bristled toothbrush and start scrubbing the ring and the gemstone slowly. Don’t put too much force that can affect the ring’s quality. Take your time while cleaning the underside of the stone and the prongs of the ring. Because these areas are easy to become dirty first.

Wash It Using Fresh Water

After proper scrubbing, wash off the soapy residue from the ring using fresh and clean water. Then, dry the ring using a spare and clean cloth. Polishing the stone and metal of the ring is also beneficial to maintain its shine.

Practices To Avoid During Moissanite Ring Cleaning

How to clean moissanite ring? Don’t use anything that can leave scratches on the ring. Whether the substance is a strong acid or even an abrasive cleaning agent, select what does not hurt the ring. People having very dirty rings should seek advice from a jeweller and avoid using ultrasonic cleaners.

You Should Also Learn About: How Long Do Moissanite Rings Last?

A general fact about moissanite is that they provide a long-term wearing experience.

  • They are the 2nd hardest mineral after diamonds on the Mohs scale.
  • Their resilient nature prevents them from chipping, breaking, etc.
  • When well taken for, they will even outlive the user’s natural lifetime.
  • The optical, fire, and brilliance properties of moissanite rings make them popular among diamond lovers.
  • The metal used in the moissanite ring affects its lifespan. Gold and platinum are reliable options to enhance your moissanite ring’s lifespan.


To conclude, how to clean moissanite ring? Cleaning your moissanite ring is simple and cost-free. With some basic home equipment, you can clean your rings from time to time. However, getting professional cleaning services once in a while is also suggested.

Related searches: Pompeii jewelry.